
why am I thinking of this? (rhetorical)

To begin, there is no good reason that I started thinking about this. This was a somewhat random thought that popped into my head as we were on the shuttle bus leaving the conference. And if you've just read the post about Avec, then I sincerely apologize (for both you reading that, and then you reading this immediately following). But.

Here is yet another reason to be thankful to be a guy: in the great world of very personal grooming, women have too many choices. There is the all natural (or, as one of the guys who I golf with once a year calls it, The Unfinished Basement). Which, sometimes, grows out to such a point that it can only be tamed by panties (as one girlfriend calls it, The Tuck). Then there are all these fancy cuts and styles that women can get - landing strip, triangle or other geometric shape, some ornate pattern or logo (the Playboy bunny seems popular online), or yes even The Brazillian. I'm sure there are plenty of others; I'll do more research later.

So how does one choose?

On the flip side, here are the options presented to a guy:

1. Do nothing. This is a guy specialty.
2. Do everything. This is not actually a real option, not even if your name is Dirk Diggler or Buck Naked.
3. Do some sort of neatening, like you might do once a year to that barely visible hedge in your yard. Sort of like the pubic equivalent to the bowl cut.

Actually, that's two too many options too. Hm.

Well, anyway, carry on with your internet surfing.

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