
kind of heartwarming

Football is an amazingly brutal sport, both physically and mentally. A guy like Vince Young rides into the league with only the highest of expectations, and is now and has been for two years relegated to side-car status, being driven around by a pretty marginal QB in Kerry Collins.

Anyway, I digress. What impresses me and restores my faith in humanity - and professional athletes - is that for all the horrible stories of murders and DUIs and general stupidity,
once in a while there emerges a pretty heartwarming counter-story.

Steve McNair, the man was obviously not a saint, but he was a man who contributed to his community. So it's good to see that Vince Young is contributing back to the McNair household. This story actually almost, almost brought a tear to my eye. Weird.


the F factor

Question: How does John Mayer pull like he does? I mean seriously people, have you seen or heard John Mayer? I never knew he was the inspiration for Seth Rogen's character in the 40 Year Old Virgin. And yet look at his resume - now I'm not sure what the deal is with Jessica Simpson, but the others, the others. And now Kristin Cavallari, whoever that is.

So ladies, please be honest, is it because fame + plain looks + mediocre musical talent = crazy Spanish Fly? Because hey, if so, I got two out of three already, so apparently I just needs me a bit more fame.



So I got an iPhone, mostly because I wanted to not carry a phone and an iPod around anymore. I also don't want to have to carry a murse. You know what, guys really have it hard these days.

Anyway, the iPhone - it's like I got an escort. It's achingly pretty, it really boosts my ego to be seen with it... but the costs for all the extra good stuff! Kay-rist!

Which reminds me, I will need a new condom. Voice-memo to self: stop by London Drugs at lunch to search the bargain bins. Slightly used okay.

Bonus material: iphone - will it blend?



emotion soup

Not to get too emotional or anything, because hey, I'm still a dude - but is the Jaycee Dugard saga the most horrific and heartbreaking and hopeful thing you've ever heard? That is some damned crazy shit right there.

My blind hatred for a human I've never met peaks with the mention of Philip Garrido; it's physically sickening to even think about losing a child like that. It's beyond the fact that you don't want to think about such a thing, you really just can't. You can't make yourself think about it. To ask is to ask the impossible.

And yet, when I read this story, it's so inspiring: the resilience of humans, and the sense of peace that must be washing over this family these days like a tide. The world is such a messed up place, and yet we persevere.

Anyway, back to robots, zombies, and the NFL.