
super lame 'my day' blog entry for 4-Oct-08

Today we had a "little" first birthday party for the golden piglet. And by little, I mean 10 little kids, all 3 and under. Man alive, that is the definition of exhausting. But it was fun for them, I think, so all good.

Tonight I've been making soup (mushroom) and doing general prep for Thanksgiving dinner for the in-laws tomorrow. Which is another form of tiring, but at the same time, pretty fun. Yeah, it's true - cooking is, I find, a form of therapy: a place to get lost in creativity, planning, execution, and a goodly amount of ad libbing.

All night, I've had stuck in my head the Foo's. Specifically, perhaps because it's such a stormy night, "Up In Arms". You know... "The rain is here / and you, my dear / are still my friend. It's true / the two of us / are back as one again." Etc. What a great song. One I want to cover, with the boys.

Also, I was listening to the new Weezer album earlier, while cleaning up after the party. Track 10, "The Angel and The One." I didn't know Rivers had it in him.

Also, "Pig."

Later, I will brush my teeth and go to bed.

Is anyone actually reading this?

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