
the return of... well, me.

Where the heck has the past two and a half years gone?  So much time has passed, yet so little has changed.

Well except the relevance of the last post, perhaps.  I now have two children.  But that is IT.  Good with two.  Happy with two.

Oh, also, the 49ers are good again.  So that's pretty great news, hurray!

Anyway, so glad to see that there has been a light skimming of traffic here while I've been away.  For example, someone from Thrissur, Kerala visited here 3 months and 11 days ago.  I didn't even know where Thrissur was five minutes ago (India), but that's pretty super.  I hope my return does nothing to hinder said light skimming of traffic.  Come back again, Thrissur, and read the Sex Doll post whenever your spirits need a lift!
