
Andy Richter back where he belongs

This is the best news I've read all year. And honestly, unless Selma Hayek decides to feed starving babies near my office during a lunch break in the near future, this may yet stand up as the greatest news story of 2009.


zombie tunes (likely not "monster mash")

Recently, someone got me stuck on the idea of creating a soundtrack for zombie life.

He thought Sigur Ros. My reaction: Sigur Ros? I dunno. Maybe, maybe if they were from the old-school George Romero zombie mold, beautifully tragic, moving slowly through un-death with only a single, simple desire to eat brains.

I hear Bloc Party - specifically the latest album, Intimacy, for the more modern Danny Boyle / Alex Garland zombie a la 28 Days (or Weeks) later. The frantic zombie, the zombie that can run and remember and is just fucking crazy with the rage.

Or Massive Attack, maybe, for the hybrid - the Resident Evil zombie. Modern, cultured, but still prone to bouts of ultra-violence.

Well, more thought needs to go into this very important subject. Clearly.



Okay, so I signed up for Twitter. Why, God, why? It's so horrible, I want to kill myself. (Now imagine me doing a step-down motion with my hands.) Facebook > Blog > Twitter. How can I stoop any lower? There is no lower stoop! Unless I get two fish and start live-blogging their interactions. Or install a webcam on my belt buckle.

Anyway, the one single bright spot of Twitter, I really have to say, the one thing that keeps me from throwing myself into a passing jet engine above the Hudson River, is now I can "follow" Tina Fey.

Yep. Legal stalking. Hello!

She's super duper. A lot of her Twitter updates are potty humour, which in one sense surprises me, but in another, tickles me where the sun don't shine.

ANYway, so, one thing that I found on her Twitter feed was this awesome graphs website. Featuring:
Tina Fey and Sarah Palin Venn diagram,
trapped in an elevator with one bullet,
and the Short Visual History of Halo,

The last one is so true, so geeky but completely true. And the middle one is quite simply a laugh out loud'er. Holy F that's funny.

Other than that, Twitter verdict: ROOBISH!

(1) And by the by, please note that these ideas are now documented and time stamped as intellectual property.

come. on.

Twisted Tree Tempranillo.
$28 from the winery, $30-34 from a private shop here in Vancouver.

Ready? Here's the nutcracker:
This wine is from BC!

A BC Tempranillo?!? For $28!! Come on, people! Wake the F up!

(And PS: TT webmaster, you got a typo up. "Wew", yeah?)
