
a moment for seriousness

Please, set aside a few hours, close the door, seat yourself, and clear your mind. Ready?

A thought occurred to me while driving this morning. And not a particularly new or original thought, I'm sure. But something that seemed profound in the bright warm winter morning sun, crossing the Ironworkers Memorial Bridge at 9 am. So John Irving, please feel free to take this idea, set it in New England, thrown in some high school wrestling and perhaps a bear, and fully explore it.

Life should not be measured in years or days or hours, but in moments and experiences. Right?

And with that, I continued driving like a maniac.


today we escape, we escape

From a cute email currently making the internet rounds.

Listen to this.

While staring at this:

people, we have gone too far

More evidence of the imminent downfall of man:

The Cult of Snuggie

Now you can stay warm while you get up to move that doomsday clock one minute closer to midnight! High five!

Folk(s), since we're on complete disclosure terms, I confess that every time I see this commercial come on, I cannot help but watch. It's uncomfortably, bordering on painfully, funny. Like watching Ricky Gervais, or walking around in moist underwear.

incredible spectacular phenomenon (redux)

Who let the monkeys out?

Damn, what do you know, it happened again.

Well, score one for the statisticians I suppose.


recording experiment 2

So today was a good music day. I got a little time to play around with Cubase summore, and while nothing earth-shattering was recorded, I did have a little fun with a semi-obscure Radiohead song. And that song would be True Love Waits.

And again, here is the real thing - featuring the much much better singing of ole Thom Yorke. It's a very sincere song, stripped down to Thom and guitar. A little dose of heartbreak.

I've tried to sing it in the higher octave, and dude it just ain't happening. I'll keep trying, but unless it miraculously comes together one day, I'll not be subjecting the world (ie you, my single solitary reader) to it.

(And PS: that grainy cell phone photo would be of tonight's moon. Which I thought looked kind of cool.)


2009, y'all

Happy New Year, everyone.

So, we've made it all the way to 2009. Can you believe that the '00s (the "oughts") are drawing to a close? I know we still have a year to go, but you know, almost there. And time is now passing faster than ever.

Hey, remember that Y2K thing? What was that about? First it was a disastrous world-wide meltdown thing, but then magically by Jan 1, 2000, it was completely innocuous. The worst it could do was to attach itself to several sports video game titles.

Anyway, so here we are, in a brand new year, and although I usually don't attach too much significance to occasions or dates or arbitrary marks on the calendar, I have to admit to feeling slightly melancholy this Jan 1. Why, I don't know; new years should mark a time for hope and optimism, right? 2008 ended with economic chaos, violence in several areas of the world such as the middle east and Afghanistan... oh, and crazy local weather. God I am so sick of snow and ice!

But that's all over with right? New leaf and all? We can, we should, only hope that things are going to get better now. In a week, the US of A will swear in a visible minority president, someone who has already inspired millions and, hopefully, will expand this inspiration even further.

We can and we should. Someone help me out, c'mon, positive thoughts for the new year.

And be safe out there everyone.