
recording experiment

So today I went out and got myself a recording interface and Cubase. FUN.

Well, after all the downloading and
installing of the correct drivers (WinXP SP3!!!), the set-up, figuring out the Cubase security key, et cetera... FUN.

So. Without further adieu, here is Frying Pan, originally written by Victoria Williams. This would be Take 2 of the evening, seeing as how Take 1 did not actually record (Cubase: it takes a second, but then you get it). Here's the deal: I know I sound like a bedwetter, I know my chords aren't as strong as they should be, I know I'm rusty, I know I know I know, folks. So, comments are off. But, I put this out there just because 1. it's kind of fun, and 2. there might be some people Out There who actually want to hear it. Yeah, there's no accounting for taste!

Now. More importantly. Go buy the real thing.