

You know, people used to say that Generation X, my generation, was a little narcissistic. Hey, People, guess what: we ain’t got nothing on these 21st century kids! Myspace, Facebook, Blogger. A BLOG? A MF BLOG?? What makes you think that anyone else wants to read your stupid BLOG??


I ate toast. I thought about eggs, but then I thought about angina. Whoa is me!

I brushed my teeth. I noticed that my gums are receding. I’m only 17!



So then, having said that, in the spirit of Hypocrisy (i.e. that which makes living a principled life so bearable), and bearing in mind that it has caused 3 weeks of internal strife (note lag between this post and previous) I am going to start blogging. Let’s see how long this lasts.

1 comment:

Fred Jala said...

No way, you brush your teeth too? Blogging is kinda like therapy. Sometimes you need to get s**t off your chest. For me, it helps me remember stuff.

Keep at it. We like to know what everyone's up to.

Ardel & Fred