
2009, y'all

Happy New Year, everyone.

So, we've made it all the way to 2009. Can you believe that the '00s (the "oughts") are drawing to a close? I know we still have a year to go, but you know, almost there. And time is now passing faster than ever.

Hey, remember that Y2K thing? What was that about? First it was a disastrous world-wide meltdown thing, but then magically by Jan 1, 2000, it was completely innocuous. The worst it could do was to attach itself to several sports video game titles.

Anyway, so here we are, in a brand new year, and although I usually don't attach too much significance to occasions or dates or arbitrary marks on the calendar, I have to admit to feeling slightly melancholy this Jan 1. Why, I don't know; new years should mark a time for hope and optimism, right? 2008 ended with economic chaos, violence in several areas of the world such as the middle east and Afghanistan... oh, and crazy local weather. God I am so sick of snow and ice!

But that's all over with right? New leaf and all? We can, we should, only hope that things are going to get better now. In a week, the US of A will swear in a visible minority president, someone who has already inspired millions and, hopefully, will expand this inspiration even further.

We can and we should. Someone help me out, c'mon, positive thoughts for the new year.

And be safe out there everyone.

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