
sad and bad parts of America

There are many things about the US of A that are great: its collective inventiveness, its acceptance of being the "asshole" who
thanklessly polices the rest of the world, Trader Joes.

TV such as 30 Rock or Lost aside, though, the entertainment industry is, in general, not a good side of America. The idea of fame trumping dignity, exemplified by such things as The Bachelor or Kim Kardashian, is truly tragic.

It's unfortunate, but there it is. Because people have an appetite for it.

On a semi-related note, I suppose very very loosely related, read this story about Miley Cyrus and Kanye West and Radiohead. It's so bizarre, I don't think I even really understand it.

From what I read, Thom Yorke decides that he doesn't want to meet Miley Cyrus, and Miley Cyrus' response is that she'll "ruin" Radiohead. 1. F off Miley Cyrus. 2. F off Miley Cyrus.

Kanye, well, I dunno. That one's a little different I suppose, only because despite his reputation and perhaps my personal opinion of his music (just plain disinterest, that's all), he is a fairly well respected musician. In other words, he would be a "peer".

Well, whatever. Thom may be an asshole himself, who knows. And Thom and Kanye are free to make influential music while being
assholes to each other, that's their right.

But Miley Cyrus? SAD AND BAD, America.

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