

I apologize, person who is reading this, I forgot to tell you that I finally got the band back together last week! Yes, success.

It was Fun. Jason, Erik and I met last Friday at 7 and ran through some songs. Several songs. A (very) few sounded good, though rust was quite apparent throughout. Then Dan showed up at 9 and we played for another couple hours. Same deal. It became a case of not being too critical of the songs as wholes, (and man that sure looks like "whores"), but to find good parts in each of the songs. And ironically, I think we played the endings of a few songs quite well. Ironic because we usually have no idea how to end songs, and then proceed to butcher the bloody hell out of them until they just die unhappily.

Erik and I both were having some trouble with a few songs. You know what, if you don't play for months then trying to remember lyrics and chord progressions (or in his case, drum lines and progressions) during the actual song - well, it's harder than you might think. But we muddled through.

We did a lot of old songs - the theme of the evening was Nostalgia: Let Me Dial You Back To... 1996, 1994, 2003 etc. I think the best songs of the evening were Radiohead covers. Airbag (we played twice), Creep, National Anthem all went well. We managed to absolutely massacre Karma Police, though, unfortunately. Oh well, sorry lads. Next time, yeah?

Still, a Lot of fun. And now I'm trying to get another time commitment out of the boys. So... see you in 6 months I guess.

Well dang, I hope not.

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